The simple design, based on the incorporation of the letters A and D, was developed based on the indiscriminate and often hidden nature of Type 1 Diabetes. On first glance, without the name ‘Athletic Diabetics’ explaining what it stands for, AD could represent countless ideas. The true meaning of the letters and the logo is obscured, and is only revealed after learning it stands for ‘Athletic Diabetics’ and the true purpose of the logo is exposed.
Similarly there is no obvious sign indicating that anyone is diabetic. There is no neon sign hanging around their neck stating that ‘this person is diabetic’. Often people are oblivious that people around them are diabetic.
Diabetes is an invisible illness that causes many visible effects that may be misconstrued in different ways.
For example, a sign of low blood sugars is to be disoriented and have slurred speech, which may easily be confused as a sign that someone is heavily intoxicated. This may result in a prejudiced response, that they are simply drunk, and the individual suffering from low blood sugars may not receive the help or treatment they require. Unless someone explains the signs and symptoms of diabetes and what it is like to live with the condition then the effects and complications about the condition can never be revealed.
Therefore much like how the simple logo of AD isn’t complete without the knowledge of what it stands for, the simple subtle signs and symptoms of diabetes often go undetected without knowledge of the condition.